Monday, December 10, 2018

Reaction Paper (A Flight from Conversation)

Name: Tolibas, Renabie R.                                             Course, Yr. & Section: BS CRIM 1-D

By: Sherry Turkle

 “The Flight from Conversation” written by Sherry Turkle demonstrate how technology influenced in everyday life. It is also discusses how humans choose to communicate through technology rather than communicating through conversations. She talks about that the social life of people in today’s generation are very different and people becoming anti-social in some terms. As technology evolves, people become more dependent and dedicate most of their time on the latest communication devices.
Technology has made it possible for anyone to connect, or even accumulate every bits of information that they want to learn. Speaking of technology, one cannot deny the fact that it seems more fun and accessible with the presence of the devices; smart phones, tablet, pc’s and etc. We are accompanied by sharing and contacting others through e-mails or chats to get information or even saying, how life is going on. This article that I’ve read convinced me clearly to understand about how technology really changes us. It actually gives us good information that we might want a little advice or to be learned. However, the situation may opened up the minds of individual to be with someone you were attached through an inside world which is now popular to use the technology that also connects relationship that were in. Through texting, chatting or video calling we say it’s useful as it is. We find it more interested and we tend to become updated at all times. The topic were strongly seemed to seek and finding our own ways of maintaining good contacts to everyone. The text, “we’ve been accustomed to a new way of being alone together” actually tells us people to fully enjoy and not to feel lonely. But what’s worse is that because of technology we forgot the things that are more important. We think we really have time but we used it a lot online, what about spending your friends, or with family? We even forget important dates. It is another fact that we didn’t often realize that we’re tempted to just be with the place full of more to discover and make easy conversation with different people, that you might want to talk. We’ve been invaded; we demand more things because it is what we deal.
Technology is such a great advancement in our society, but certain aspects of day to day life cannot be attained through these online techniques. Let us look for the present and try to get to have a conversation with everything around you, there is more to be you. There is more to be happy along with people that typically only reply a minute.

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